
Showing posts from June, 2021

How COID - 19 affect our Education

INTRODUCTION Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the worldwide education system has been severely affected, following the shutdown of schools and colleges/universities since March 2020 in order to prevent the spread of the virus. Conventional classrooms shifted to online classrooms which profoundly impacted teachers’ and students’ closed interaction, making a paradigm shift in the teaching-learning process.           The unprecedented health crisis of COVID-19 has affected almost every aspects of life. It was recognized for the first time in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, and spread rapidly all over the world to become an economic and humanitarian crisis. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 as a pandemic on 11 March 2020. Due to this outbreak, the education system is beholding an extraordinary double-shock: temporary school closures in more than 180 countries since March 2020, in order to prevent the spread of the virus and disclosing the fragility o...

Sixth Sem - Literary Criticism And Theory - MCQ

1. Plato was the most celebrated disciple of -----  a. Socrates  b. Aristotle c. Aristophanes d. None of the above 2. Which among the following books contains Plato’s ideas? a. Poetics b. The New Atlantis c. On the Sublime d. Republic 3. Who is the author of “Dialogues” a. Plato b. Aristotle c. Longinus d. Francis Bacon 4. Art, according to ---------is twice removed from reality a. Plato b. Aristotle c. Longinus d. Francis Bacon 5. Who said “the productions of art helped neither to mould character nor to promote the well-being of the state a. Plato b. Aristotle c. Longinus d. Francis Bacon 6. On which of the following grounds does Plato condemn poetry? a. Poetic inspiration b. The emotional appeal of poetry c. Its non-moral character d. All the above 7. Why, according to Plato, is tragedy enjoyable? a. Feelings of anger fear and grief afford pleasure when indulged in excess b. Incongruity between what a character is and what he pretends to be c. Catharsis d. Hamartia. 8. What,...

The 3 Ls Of Empowerment

            THE 3 Ls OF EMPOWERMENT 1. What are the three essential factors for empowerment?           The three essential factors for empowerment are Learning, Labour and Leadership. Together they are called the 3Ls. 2. What is the role of learning in empowering women?           Education is the foundation on which any change is built. Learning helps women to help themselves and break free of the chains with which they are bound. 3. How can we promote more opportunities for women in the workplace?              Women can be given more opportunities in the work place by changing some of our laws to ensure that property and inheritance laws do not discriminate against women. Education and healthcare for women should be encouraged. Women should be given more credit facilities so that women can get greater economic independence. THINK AND WRITE 1. The role of educated, empowere...


                      REFUGEE BLUES                                          - W H Auden Introduction              Wystan Hugh Auden (1907-1973) was born in York as the son of George Augustus Auden, a doctor and Constance Rosalie Auden, a missionary nurse. During the course of his graduation in English at Oxford, he was influenced by the poetry of T. S. Eliot, one of the icons of Modernist poet then. In 1930, Auden's first collection of poetry entitled Poems was published and thus started the movement known as 'The Auden's Generation.' In 1937 he married Erika Mann, daughter of the famous German novelist Thomas Mann. Auden was involved in the Spanish civil war in 1937. He was a prolific writer and won the Pulitzer prize for “The Age of Anxiety” 1947 and in 1955 the National Book Award for “The S...

Death The Leveller

          DEATH THE LEVELLER                                    - James Shirley Activity - I (Read And Respond) 1. Why does the poet think that the glories of our blood and state are shadows?            The poet thinks that the glories of our blood and state are shadows because they are not substantial or concrete things. They don’t last. 2. What do ‘sceptre and crown’ and ‘scythe and spade’ stand for and what do they symbolize?             Sceptre and crown stand forthe royal glory, splendour and power of rulers. Scythe and spade stand forthe tools of workers. Sceptre and crown symbolizes kings (authority) whereas scythe and spade symbolize ordinary people (the masses). 3. Why does the poet say that ‘there is no armour against fate’?             The poet says that ‘there is no armour ...

The Price Of Flowers

                      The Price Of Flowers                        - Prabhat Kumar Mukhopadyay 1. Why was the narrator’s attention drawn to the English girl?             The narrator’s attention was drawn to the English girl because she had been watching him with interested surprise. But she turned her eyes away as soon as he looked at her. She was 13 or 14 years old. From her clothes one could guess she was a poor girl. She had large eyes which had a sad expression. 2. What is your impression of the girl?            She is a teenager from a poor family. She had large eyes with a sorrowful expression. When she saw the narrator, some ideas came to her mind and that is why she watches him so closely. Then she tries to find out if he is an Indian and if he comes to that particular restaurant all the time. Something ab...