- Jawaharlal Nehru
Textual Questions and Answers
1. What is referred to as the ‘all powerful monster’?
The anger, humiliation and hopelessness felt by the Indian people after World War I was the ‘all powerful monster’ and they could not escape from its grip.
2. What was the impact of the First World War?
The First World War had a terrible impact on the Indian people as they were cut off from the land and could not do any kind of manual or technical work. This resulted in growing unemployment and poverty and the people felt helpless and hopeless.
The First World War had a terrible impact on the Indian people as they were cut off from the land and could not do any kind of manual or technical work. This resulted in growing unemployment and poverty and the people felt helpless and hopeless.
3. What does Nehru mean by ‘And then Gandhi came…’?
The Indians were in a state of darkness because of their hopelessness and they had no one to guide them. It was at this point that Gandhi came into their lives and gave them hope and showed them a way out of the darkness.
The Indians were in a state of darkness because of their hopelessness and they had no one to guide them. It was at this point that Gandhi came into their lives and gave them hope and showed them a way out of the darkness.
4. What was the essence of Gandhi’s teaching?
The essence of his teaching was fearlessness and truth. He wanted all actions to be controlled by these values so as to help the common people. He also said that people should not be exploited, especially the peasants and the workers, as this resulted in poverty and misery.
The essence of his teaching was fearlessness and truth. He wanted all actions to be controlled by these values so as to help the common people. He also said that people should not be exploited, especially the peasants and the workers, as this resulted in poverty and misery.
5. What does the word ‘abhaya’ mean?
‘Abhaya’ means fearlessness. It does not mean just physical courage but the absence of fear from the mind.
‘Abhaya’ means fearlessness. It does not mean just physical courage but the absence of fear from the mind.
6. What did Gandhiji exhort the people to do?
Gandhiji exhorted the people not to be afraid. The British ruled India through putting fear into people – fear of the army, the police, the secret service, the official class, laws, prison, landlord’s agent, moneylender, unemployment and starvation. Gandhi wanted to remove this fear.
Gandhiji exhorted the people not to be afraid. The British ruled India through putting fear into people – fear of the army, the police, the secret service, the official class, laws, prison, landlord’s agent, moneylender, unemployment and starvation. Gandhi wanted to remove this fear.
7. What did Gandhiji do to remove fear from the minds of the people?
He told the people not to be afraid. Fear builds its ghosts which are more fearsome than reality itself. When reality is calmly analysed and its consequences willing accepted, fear goes away. Suddenly the black film of fear was removed from the people’s minds. The need for falsehood and secretive behaviour was lessened.
He told the people not to be afraid. Fear builds its ghosts which are more fearsome than reality itself. When reality is calmly analysed and its consequences willing accepted, fear goes away. Suddenly the black film of fear was removed from the people’s minds. The need for falsehood and secretive behaviour was lessened.
8. Why was Gandhiji compared to a psychologist?
Gandhiji was compared to a psychologist because he brought a psychological change in people. A psychologist probes deep into the patient’s past to find out the origins of his complexes. Gandhiji did the same. He probed deep into the minds of Indians and exposed the needlessness of fear. They were made to feel ashamed for accepting an alien rule that had degraded and humiliated them. They were now filled with a desire not to submit to the repressive rule any longer.
9. What, according to Gandhiji, is the truth?
Truths are relative and absolute truth is beyond us. Different persons take different views of truth and each person is powerfully influenced by his own background, training, and impulses. Gandhi believed that truth is what an individual himself feels and knows to be true.
Truths are relative and absolute truth is beyond us. Different persons take different views of truth and each person is powerfully influenced by his own background, training, and impulses. Gandhi believed that truth is what an individual himself feels and knows to be true.
10. How did Gandhiji influence the people of India?
Gandhi influenced the people of India in different degrees. Some people changed completely. Some changed only partly. Different people reacted differently. But everyone was influenced one way or the other.
Gandhi influenced the people of India in different degrees. Some people changed completely. Some changed only partly. Different people reacted differently. But everyone was influenced one way or the other.
11. What was the two-fold action involved in Gandhiji’s exhortation?
One action involved challenging and resisting foreign rule. The other action involved fighting against our own social evils like untouchability and differentiation of social classes.
12. What was the visible change in the value system of the country?
Gandhi wanted people to give up their titles given by the British. Although not many people gave up their titles, the prestige associated with the titles lessened. The pomp and splendour associated with the viceroy’s court was seen as foolish. Rich men were now not anxious to show off their riches any more. They adopted simpler ways of dressing and became almost indistinguishable from the common people.
Gandhi wanted people to give up their titles given by the British. Although not many people gave up their titles, the prestige associated with the titles lessened. The pomp and splendour associated with the viceroy’s court was seen as foolish. Rich men were now not anxious to show off their riches any more. They adopted simpler ways of dressing and became almost indistinguishable from the common people.
13. What was the influence of Gandhiji in the villages?
Gandhiji sent leaders to the villages to awaken the peasants. The peasants were shaken up and began to come out of their shell.
Gandhiji sent leaders to the villages to awaken the peasants. The peasants were shaken up and began to come out of their shell.
14. What was the India of Gandhi’s dream?
He wanted an India where the poorest should feel that it was their country. They should have an effective voice in the ruling. He wanted India not to have class distinctions. He wanted India to be a place whew people lived in perfect harmony. There was no room for untouchability, intoxicating drinks and drugs. Women were to have equal rights with men.
He wanted an India where the poorest should feel that it was their country. They should have an effective voice in the ruling. He wanted India not to have class distinctions. He wanted India to be a place whew people lived in perfect harmony. There was no room for untouchability, intoxicating drinks and drugs. Women were to have equal rights with men.
15. What, according to Gandhiji, was the essential culture of India?
Indian culture, according to Gandhiji, is neither Hindu nor Islamic but a fusion of all. Although proud of his Hindu inheritance, Gandhiji tried to give Hinduism a kind of universal attire that included all religions within the fold of truth. He refused to narrow his cultural inheritance.
Indian culture, according to Gandhiji, is neither Hindu nor Islamic but a fusion of all. Although proud of his Hindu inheritance, Gandhiji tried to give Hinduism a kind of universal attire that included all religions within the fold of truth. He refused to narrow his cultural inheritance.
16. What was the psychological revolution that Gandhiji brought about?
Gandhiji was an astonishingly vital man full of self-confidence and unusual kind of power. He fascinated the masses of India as he stood for equality and freedom of each individual. He attracted them like a magnet. To them he seemed to link up the past with the future and make the bad present appear as a stepping stone for a future of life and hope.
Gandhiji was an astonishingly vital man full of self-confidence and unusual kind of power. He fascinated the masses of India as he stood for equality and freedom of each individual. He attracted them like a magnet. To them he seemed to link up the past with the future and make the bad present appear as a stepping stone for a future of life and hope.
Activity -1 (Note making)
Make a note of the above passage. Read the passage again and complete the following:
The uncertain condition of India | Humiliation Unemployment Poverty Desperation |
The arrival of Gandhiji | Saw political freedom taking a new shape. Removed the black pall of fear. Truth followed fearlessness. People wanted freedom. Villagers were made aware of the exploitation. |
His teachings and methods | Fearlessness Truth Giving up British given titles Non-violence Non-cooperation |
His two fold action | Challenging and resisting foreigrule. Fighting against our own social evils: Minority problem. Raising Depressed classes. Removing Untouchability. |
The molding of India | Even the poorest shall feel that it is their own country. |
According to Gandhi’s | All communities shall live in perfect harmony. |
Wishes and ideas | There will be no class distinctions. No untouchability, no intoxicating drinks and drugs. |
The amazing qualities of Gandhiji | Full of confidence Unusual kind of power Astonishingly vital Exemplary leadership |
Activity - II
* How did Gandhiji enlighten the freedom fighters? What kind of leadership did Gandhiji take? What was the effect of this leadership?
Every child born in India knows the fact that Gandhiji or Mahathma was responsible for the freedom we have today. His arrival marked a new turn of events in Indian politics. To Nehru, Gandhiji was a beam of light that would guide India's freedom struggle and leaders. His principles were fearlessness and truth. Gandhiji's ways were convincing to the people. His approach was psychological and he aimed at creating shame in people's mind for suffering British opression for these long years. Gandhiji's weapon was 'Truth' and he would do anything to make truth win. He challenged and resisted foreign rule on one hand and fought social evils on the other. He spoiled the respect for British titles. He knew that 'agriculture' and farming were India's food factors and he awakened the farmers into action. They were inspired to come forward and fight for India's freedom. In total Gandhiji was a saviour to the Indian people.
Activity - III
* Gandhian values in the present day.
Respected principal, teachers and my dear friends. I am going to make a short speech on Importance of Gandhian values in the present day. Truely, the birthday of the 'Mahatma' is a very apt occassion to think why he was awarded this title.
Gandhiji, a barrister by profession, was shocked by the untouchability of the British people towards the Indian citizens. He threw away his job and and rushed into the political scene of India. This man was determined to get the British out of India. But his weapon was peace, truth and non- violence. He was able to convince the common man that we had no need to suffer the opression of a foreign power. He made the Indian crowd feel shameful of being suppressed by the British. And he was successful in leading a non- violent struggle to gain freedom.
He wanted free India to be a home for every poor individual with a feeling of equality. India should have no class and caste distinction. India would be a land of religious harmony too. Even women would be equal to men.
Now, we the young generation shoukd think twice about the free India, we all live in. Is it free and equal in the aspects Gandhiji dreamed of? Is truth and non- violence the weapons of Gandhiji, now our weapon or tool? Has any leader influenced our minds psychologically? Gandhian ideals are actually showcase items in the muesium of History in India.
Sorry to say, the Mahatma Gandhi and his ideals are forgotten. It is up to us to shake off our negative attitudes and pull India together. Gandhiji must be reborn in our hearts and our actions and be given due respect.
Now I conclude my words.
Thank You.
Activity - IV
Group Discussion
"Women will enjoy the same right as men, This is the India of my dreams" - Gandhi said.
Topic : Equal Rights to women
Group - I
The Indian constituition has given equal rights to men and women. This was the result of Gandhiji's efforts. But doesn't this remain on paper only? Isn't this just a document. Think truthfully do the women India have equality in any field?
Let us really discuss this and findout.
Group -II
Well, we feel that there has been a remarkable change in the status of women. Women play a good part even in the political scenario. They stand along with men, hand in hand to manage the economy of the family. They even undertake jobs which were only given to men like driving, soldiers etc. At the business levels, there are women managers and CEO's. Even journalism is now women dominated. Thus women do experience equality.
Group - III
Yes, we agree to group -II. Education has opened many fields to the Indian girl child. Parents too are not interested in child marriage and female foeticide, like tbe past. It is the duty of each one of us to respect every female as our mother and sister. India is how known as a land of domestic violence, rape and exporting of women for prostituition. This should change. Everyone is aware of the child rape problems even in Banglore, the IT city of India.
Group - IV
Political leaders and government instituitions must also play a strong role in keeping the women of a country secure and protected. Laws must be made and executed. Punishment for rape and molestation must be made strict. Women themselves have to be made aware to protect their individuality. The police should be noted of crime against women.
Group - V
Let us sum up all point of concern is that the girls child must be educated and aware of rights and laws. Women must be cared for and given respect by each one. "The hand that rocks the cradle can also rule the world". Indian women have earned the fame and popularity in international fields too. Kalpana Chawla, Mother Teresa, Shakunthala Devi, Kiran Bedi, Indira Gandhi etc are people known to the world. India has much to offer the world, our women too must get a chance to prove their identity.
Activity - V
Letter to the Editor
Apex Public School
The Editor
The Hindu
Sub: How women's issues are presented in Media.
This letter represents my deep concern about how women's issues are presented in the media especially newspapers. It is sad to understand that the print media of today is only interested in the circulation and financial benefits of papers and not about social issues. Cases concerning women especially rape and molestation are given undue importance. All this creates a negative impact on the readers especially the younger genertion. Moreover, false values about women are being spread unnecessarily. Criminals are even glorified.
Kindly understand the seriousness of this situation and try to instill good values and positive ideas through your paper. Advice your reporters to be responsible journalists. Please publish articles about women enterpreneurs and administrators who enjoy high position in society. Let our media spread good ideas and values. Let women be respected.
Yours faithfully,
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