Sixth Sem - Literary Criticism And Theory

Literary Criticism and Theory QUESTION BANK 1. Plato was the most celebrated disciple of ----- a. Socrates b. Aristotle c. Aristophanes d. None of the above 2. Which among the following books contains Plato’s ideas? a. Poetics b. The New Atlantis c. On the Sublime d. Republic 3. Who is the author of “Dialogues” a. Plato b. Aristotle c. Longinus d. Francis Bacon 4. Art, according to ---------is twice removed from reality a. Plato b. Aristotle c. Longinus d. Francis Bacon 5. Who said “the productions of art helped neither to mould character nor to promote the well-being of the state” a. Plato b. Aristotle c. Longinus d. Francis Bacon 6. On which of the following grounds does Plato condemn poetry? a. Poetic inspiration b. The emotional appeal of poetry c. Its non-moral character d. All the above 7. Why, according to Plato, is tragedy enjoyable? a. Feelings of anger fear and grief afford pleasure when indulged in excess b. Incongruity between what a charac...