Dangers Of Drug Abuse
Hardin B Hones
People believe in drugs becausethey think that any illness of the body and mind can be healed by taking a pill.
2. What is the danger of over-dependence on drugs?
When people become over- dependent on drugs to solve their problems, they lose their capacity to deal with life's situations through perseverance, self- decipline and mental effort. Some people think it is foolish to expend energy on solving a problem when there is an easy way out.
3. What Hippocrates' chief contribution?
Hippocrates was the first to say that a remedy must take into account not only by the symptoms of the disease but also the constitution and habits of the patient. This is his chief contribution.
4. What is tbe distinction between medicines and sensual drugs?
The difference between medicines and sensual drugs is simple. Sensual drugs are those that the body does not need, but they give the user a strong sense of pleasure. Sensual drugs activate the brain's pleasure centres. Medicines are those that cure or prevent diseases. The body needs medicines but not sensual drugs.
5. How do sensual drugs act on the human body?
Sensual drugs activate brain's pleasure centres. It is the brain that governs sensations, moods, thoughts and actions. Sensual drugs upset the normal working of the brain and give the body a false sense of pleasure.
6. What is the danger of severe addiction?
A drug user's craving for the drug continues, but he feels less and less satisfaction. His brain's plesure reflexes are by artificial stimulation. In severe addiction, the pleasure mechanisms fail to respond to drug atimulation. The drug then gives only relative relief from misery.
7. Why does the craving for sensual drugs persist in an addict?
In an addict the pleasure mechanisms fail to respond to drug stimulation. The drug then gives him only relative relief from misery. So he wants more and more drugs and thus the craving persists.
8. How does the brain govern sensations, moods, actions, and thoughts?
The brain governs sensations, moods, actions, and thoughts by an unbelievebly complex series of chemically regulated controls.
9. Why does the addict suspect everything external?
The addict suspects everything external because he is in a state of paranoia. He does not know the source of his problem and he looks for its cause in everything but himself. Anything outside scares him and he draws further and further into himself.
10. What are the symptoms of the addict's sensory deprivation?
The symptoms of the addict's sensory deprivation are a general feeling of physical discomfort and personality changes. The addict feels depressed. Be fails to respond either to his enviornment or to other people. His mental disturbance can be like paranoia.
11. Why do addict press their fingers deep into their bodies?
Addicts press their fingers deep into their bodies because their sensations are lost and they want to reassure themselves of their own reality.
12. Name some drug related health disorders.
Drug related health disorders are many and varied. Dirty needles and solutions used for injecting drugs can cause abscesses in the arms and veins. They can cause liver disease, venereal disease and infection of the kidney and brain. Sniffing cocaine and amphetamines can damage the tissue of the nose. Marijuana and tobacco amoking can cause lung diseases. Babies of women addicted to opiates are likely to be born addicted abd to suffer from withdrawal symptoms. Cocaine and amphetamines cause hair fall. Marijuana can damge cells. A drug addict can easily get pneumonia, tuberculosis, mal- nutrition and weight loss. An overdose of any sensual drug can cause respiratory or cardiac failure and death.
13. How do drug affect women addicts?
In addition to all the ill- effects that men have from drug abuse, babies of women addicted to opiates are likely to be born addicted and to suffer from withdrawal symptoms.
14. How do sensual drugs affect brain cells?
Sensual drugs affect thw chemistry of brain cells. Cell function is carried out by thousands of enzymes acting within each cell. Each exposure of the cells to psychoactive drugs alters their chenistry. Toxic chemicals can upset the brain's intricate system of communication. They can also damage cell tissues. Toxic effect may be permanent.
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