Fifth Sem - Informatics - Module I, III, VI
1. Informatics is used synonymous with
a) Information b) Infotainment c) Information technology d) None of these
2. The invention of paper took place in:
a) 120AD b) 300BC c) 324AD d)100AD
3. The limitations of print format are:
a) Retrieving information from a large collection b) Time
c) Space d) All of these
4. Who is called the father of modern Computing?
a) Claud Shannon b) Charles Babbage c) Presper Eckert d) John Von Newman
5. Who developed the Binary?
a) Claud Shannon b) John Von Newman c) Blaise Pascal d) None of these
6. Which numbers represent the binary?
a) 1 and 2 b) 1 and 0 c) 9 and 10 d) None of these
7. Which of the following is the first fully automated computing device?
a) Mark I b) EDVAC c) ENIAC d) EDSAC
8. Which one of these is the first fully electronic computer?
9. Store program concept was introduced by:
a) Blaise Pascal b) Charles Babbage c) Goltfried Leibniz d) John Von Newman
10. Which of the following is the first digital computer?
11. What was the basic computing component of the second generation computers?
a) Vacuum tubes b) Transistors c) ICs d) VLSI
12. The third generation computers began with the advent of -------------. a) Vacuum tubes b) Transistors c) ICs d) VSLI
13. Which of the following is free software?
a) Intel b) AMD c) Microsoft d) Linux
14. The following is not a characteristic of first generation computer:
a) Transistors as basic components
b) Worked on stored program
c) Unreliable
d) Magnetic core memory is used as primary memory
15. The following is not a characteristic of second generation computers:
a) Transistors as basic components
b) Manual assembly of individual components
c) Programming was done in machine language
d) Limited commercial use
16. Following is not a characteristic of the third generation computer:
a) Integrated circuits were used
b) e-mail was introduced during the third generation
c) computational time was reduced from nanoseconds to microseconds
d) Totally general purpose
17. Which of the following is not a personal computer?
a) Desk top b) Notebook c) Laptop d) Mainframe
18. Which of the following is not a computer?
19. Pick the odd one out.
20. Which of the following is software?
a) Laptop b) Netbook c) Nettop d) Linux
21. Which of the following is not the name of Computer Company?
a) H P b) Apple c) Dell d) Mac
22. Which of the following is a social network?
a) Face book b) Orkut c) You tube d) All of the above
23. Which of these is a search engine?
a) Face book b) Firefox c) You tube d) Orkut
24. Which of these is a social network?
a) Chrome b) twitter c) Internet explorer d) Firefox
25. FORTRAN and COBOL are ---------------- a) Computer languages b) Processor c) Operating systems d) Servers
26. Manual integration of individual components into functioning units was required in ---- a) Fourth generation computers b) Second generation computers
c) Third generation computers d) Fifth generation computers
27. S S I can hold ---------------- transistors per chip.
a) 10 – 100 b) 100 – 1000 c) 1 – 10 d) Infinite numbers
28. The first video game, called Space war was written in ------------------- and run on PDP-1
a) 1972 b) 1962 c) 1982 d) 1992
29. Computational time was reduced from micro to nano seconds in ----------------- generation computers.
a) First b) Second c) Third d) None of these
30. The first micro computer was ------------------ a) PDP-1 b) IBM-1401 c) CDC3600 d) Altair8800
31. Steve Vozniak and Steve Jobs began the computer company called ------------------ a) Dell b) Intel c) Apple d) Sony
32. Embedded computer system can be found in ------------- a) Cars b) Thermostats c) Microwave Ovens d) All of the above
33. Who put forth the idea that the phenomenon of exponential growth will continue
a) Steve Jobs b) Gordon Moore c) Cland Shannon d) Charles Babbage
34. Which is the computer developed in India to facilitate the rural people?
a) Palmtop b) Desktop c) Laptop d) Simputer
35. Which model of computer is designed for technical or scientific application?
a) Work station b) Super computer c) server computer d)Mainframe computer
36. Which kind of computer is used to predict weather and design supersonic aircrafts?
a) Work station b) Super computers
c) Server computers d) Mainframe
37. Amazon’s e-book reader is called ------------------ a) Kindle b) PDA c) I pod d) Smart phone
38. The term ‘virus’ came from a novel called ------------------- a) Adventures of Tom Sawyer b) When Harlie was One
c) Treasure island d) None of these
39. The functions of an operating system are:
a) Process management b) Memory management
c) File management d) All of these
40. Pick the odd one out
a) Window Me b) Window vista c) Window Xp d) Microsoft
41. The following belong to the category of software distribution:
a) Fedora b) Ubuntu c) Mandriva d) All of these
42. ‘Free software’ means:
a) The freedom to run the program for any purpose
b) The freedom to redistribute copies
c) The freedom to improve the program
d) All of these
43. ‘Free software’ does not mean:
a) The freedom to run the program for any purpose
b) The freedom to redistribute copies
c) Should be distributed free of charges
d) The freedom to improve the program
44. M S Word is a
a) Spreadsheet tool b) Presentation tool c) Word processor tool d) Database tool
45. M S Excel is a
a) Spreadsheet tool b) Presentation tool c) Word processor tool d) Database tool
46. --------------- is a presentation tool.
a) M S Word b) M S Excel c) M S Power point d) Photoshop
47. Photoshop is a
a) Spreadsheet tool b) Graphic tool c) Presentation tool d) Database tool
48. The following is an anti-virus software:
a) Avira b) Avast c) Mc A Fee d) All of these
49. Encrypted information is called:
a) Cypher b) Plain text c) Clear text d) Key
50. Pick the odd one out:
a) BASIC b) COBOL c) FORTRAN d) Interpreter
51. An ------------- is a set of computer programs that manages the hardware and software
resources of a computer. a) Windows b) Open office c) Linux d) Operating system
52. Linux kernel was written by ----------------. a) Linus Torwald b) Claud Shannon c) Richard Stallman d) None of the above
53. The free software movement was conceived and developed in 1983 by ---------------. a) Linus Torvald b) Claud Shannon c) Richard Stallman d) None of the above
54. The following is/are a malware(s):- a) Worms b) Trojans c) Rootkits d) All of the above
55. A program that can copy itself and infect a computer is called ------------------. a) Malware b)spyware c)virus d) adware
56. -------------- is a program that appears harmless but hides malicious functions.
a) Trojans b) worms c) Rootkits d) Virus
57. -------------- was the first computer virus to appear ‘in the wild’.
a) Virus b) Trojan c) Rootkits d) Elk Clones
58. The first PC virus was called -----------. a) Cerebrum b) Trachea c) Brain d) None of the above.
59. Farooq Alvi Brothers in Lahore, Pakistan created the first virus in the year -----------. a) 1986 b) 1996 c) 2006 d) 1976
60. Cryptography is the practice and study of ------------------. a) Accessing information b) Hiding information
c) Distributing information d) None of the above.
61. Crypto linguistics includes the study of language including -----------------. a) Frequency of data b) Letter combinations c) Universal patterns d) All of the above
62. Cryptography is used for --------------------. a) Privacy b) safety c) copyright purpose d) All of the above
63. In 1998, American President ------------------- signed the Digital Millenium Copyright Act
a) George Bush b) Bill Clinton c) Obama d) John F. Kennedy
64. The process of adopting software for a particular country or region is called ---------------. a) Localization b) Networking c) Blog d) None of the above.
65. Localization in India is not easy because:- a) More than 30 regional languages
b) Hindi, though a national language, not accepted as functional language by some
c) All regional languages have independent alphabet with independent character set
d) All of the above
66. The Malayalam word processing software that uses Old Malayalam font for text
creation is ---------------. a) iLEAP b) RACHANA c) DNYANESHNARI d) CHITHRANKAN
67. Indic language support is necessary for all software sold in -----------------. a) Britain b) America c) India d) France
68. Popularity of the non-standard fonts hamper the ---------------- of software tools in Indian
a) Inter-operability b) Collaboration c) Development d) All of the above
69. India is a member of the --------------------. a) Unicode Consortium b) ASCII c) C-DAC d) None of the above
70. The constitution of India recognizes ------------- languages – apart from English which
has the status of the official language.
a) 24 b) 31 c) 40 4) 22
71. The regular standard font is often labeled ------------. a) Bold b) Roman c) Thin d) Italics
72. The thickness of a particular font is called -----------. a) Italics b) Font c) Weight d) Bold
73. Unicode originated in the year ----------. a) 1987 b) 1988 c) 1989 d) 1986
74. -------------- could be roughly described as “wide-body ASCII” that has been stretched to
16 bits to encompass the characters of all the world’s living languages.
a) Apple b) ASCII c) Unicode d) Italics
75. ASCII includes definition for ---------------- characters.
a) 128 b) 129 c) 200 d) 215
76. Applied Artificial Intelligence (AAI) is involved in -------------------. a) Machine translation system b) Information Extractions and Retrieval
c) Language tutors d) All of the above
77. One of the following is not an application development tool:
a) GIST b) ISM c) C-DAC d) NTrans
78. One of the following is not a web application:- a) Shaili b) GLite c) GJLET d) iplugin
79. Which of the following is complete Indian language software?
a) Dnyaneswari b) JSM c) Chitrankan d) Leap Office 2000
80. One of the following is a Dos based word processor:- a) GIST Terminal b) Gist Card c) ALP d) GISTSDK
81. Which of the following is the only solution for Indian languages in Unix:- a) GIST Card b) GIST Terminal c) ALP d) GISTSDK
82. The software used for translation is --------------. a) ISM Soft b) iLEAP c) GIST Java d) Ntrams
83. ---------------- is a web application development tool, used to develop interactive Indian
language applications to be deployed over the internet or the intranet.
a) iPlugin b) iLEAP c) ISM d) None of the above
84. Which of the following is a Machine assisted translation tool?
a) iPlugin b) MANTRA c) ISM d) JAVA
85. ----------- CD incorporates commonly used administrative jargons in the native tongue.
a) Aksharamala CD b) Bharanamalayalam c) Nila d) Kaveri
86. The first phase of ‘Mission Malayalam’ project is:- a) Arogyasree b) Bharanamalayalam c) Nila d) Kaveri
87. The second phase of ‘Mission Malayalam’ is:- a) Arogyasree b) Bharanamalayalam c) Nila d) Kaveri
88. Which is the free Malayalam software?
a) Arogyasree b) Kaveri c) Nila d) Bharanamalayalam
89. The third phase of ‘Mission Malayalam’ is:- a) Kaveri b) Nila
c) Arogyasree d) Periyar Malayalam Committee Software
90. The Malayalam Typewriting software is:- a) Arogyasree b) Nila c) Kaveri d) None of the above
91. The first major work taken up by the computational linguistic team is ---------------. a) ISM b) iLEAP c) GIST d) CLiCK
92. The numeronym for localization is ------------. a) 110n b) 111n c) 19n d) None of the above
93. The numeronym for internationalization is ------------. a) I17n b) i19n c) i18n d) None of the above
94. Indic Computing means --------------. a) Computing in India b) Computing in Malayalam
c) Computing in Indian languages d) Computing in Hindi
95. Which of the following is the International standard for character encoding?
a) ASCII b) ISCII c) EBCDIC d) Unicode
96. How many characters can be encoded using a 16-bit coding system?
a) 65536 b) 65500 c) 65000 d) 65534
97. The exact shape by which the character is represented on screen and pages is called a ---
-----------. a) Bold b) Glyph c) Font d) Italics
98. Personal Computers (PCs) are used for --------------. a) General purpose b) Specific purpose c) Military d) None of the above
99. The term PDA was first used on January 7, 1992, by ----------- CEO John Sculley.
a) Microsoft b) Apple computers c) Intel d) None of these.
100. Which of the following is not a portable computer:- a) Palm PC b) Nettop PC c) Laptop PC d) Mainframe Computer
101.Computers are named so because they --------------. a) Make mathematical calculations b) R ead books
c) Type matters d) None of these
102.The Leibniz Wheel was created by ------------------. a) Pascal b) Gottfried Leibniz c) Joseph Jacquard d) None of the above
1.C 2.D 3.D 4.B
5.A 6.B 7.A 8.B
9.D 10.D 11.A 12.C
13.D 14.A 15.C 16.C
17.D 18.D 19.C 20.D
21.D 22.D 23.B 24.B
25.A 26.B 27.A 28.B
29.C 30.D 31.C 32.D
33.B 34.D 35.A 36.B
37.A 38.B 39.D 40.D
41.D 42.D 43.C 44.C
45.A 46.C 47.B 48.D
49.A 50.D 51.D 52.A
53.C 54.D 55.C 56.A
57.D 58.C 59.A 60.B
61.D 62.D 63.B 64.A
65.D 66.B 67.C 68.D
69.A 70.D 71.B 72.C
73.A 74.C 75.A 76.D
77.C 78.A 79.D 80.C
81.B 82.D 83.A 84.B
85.B 86.C 87.D 88.B 89.D 90.A 91.D 92.A 93.C 94.C 95.D 96.A 97.D 98.A 99.B 100.D 101.A 102.B
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