First Sem - British History
Social and cultural history of Britain (Ancient and Medieval period)
1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a sovereign state located off the
north-western coast of the continent of …………………
a) Europe b) Africa c) North America d) Asia.
2. Which among the following is not a political division of the Island of Great Britain.
a) England b) Scotland c) Wales d) Republic of Ireland.
3. What is the Constitutional name of the Britain.
a) United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
b) United kingdom of Great Britain and Republic of Ireland
c) United kingdom of England and Northern Ireland
d) United kingdom of British Islands.
4. which among the following is not a part of Great Britain.
a)Wales . b)Northern Ireland .c)Republic of Ireland d)Scotland.
5. The Island country got the name Britain From the Teutonic tribe called ... .....
a)Danes .b)Iberians .c) Anglo Saxons .d)Brythons
6. A later Neolithic group, the Beaker Folk, migrated from…………, probably between 2500
and2000 B.C.
a) Northern Europe b) Southern Europe c) Western Europe d) South America
7. The art of working iron came to Britain about……………...
a) 1000 B.C b) 1000 AD c) 2000 BC d) 2000 AD
8. The last pre-historic invaders of Britain were ………………
a) The Celts b) Romans c) Normans d) Danes
9. ‘Gallic wars’ were the account of ……………
a) Julius Caesar b) Julius Agricola c) Claudius d) Honorius.
10. The Roman Conqueror who crossed English Channel and came to Britain in 55 BC was .
a)Marc Antony b)Julius Caesarc)Augustus Caesard)Julius Agricola
11. In which Language Venerable Bede had written “Ecclesiastical History of English Race”.
a)Latin b)Englishc)Greek d)Saxon
12. …………….were the priests of the Celtic tribes in Britain.
a) The Druids b) The Picts c) the Saxons d) Britons
13. Roman contact with the Celts in the British Isles began with the invasion by ……….in 55 B.C.
a) Julius Caesar b) Claudius Albinus c) Diocletian d) Sir Thomas More.
14. King Ethelbert of ………….had married Bertha; a Christian Princess of France.
a) Kent b) Essex c) Wessex d) Northumbria
15……………… was the first English poet.
a) Caedmon b) Edwin c) Gregory d) Augustine
16. The Jutes occupied the region called…………….., between the Thames River and the Strait
a) Kent b) Sussex c) Essex d) Wessex.
17. Heptarchy means…………..kingdoms
a) Five b) Six c) Seven d) Eight
18. Alfred the Great was the king of ……………
a) Northumbria b) Wessex c) Mercia d) Essex
19. In 597 ……………was sent by Pope Gregory I, arrived in Kent to convert the people of
theBritish Isles to Christianity.
a) St. Benedict b) Saint Augustine c) St. Martin d) Sir Thomas More
20. The language of the Anglo-Saxons, commonly called …………….
a) Old English b) Middle English c) Modern English d) Post-Modern English
21. ……………was the youngest son of King Ethelwulf and his wife, Osberga.
a) Alfred the Great b) Guthrum c) William I d) King John
22. The Treaty of Wedmore was between Alfred the Great and ……………..
a) Henry I b) Guthrum c) Edward I d) Charles I
23. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is a collection of (mainly) secondary source documents narratingthe
history of the Anglo-Saxons and their settlement in Britain was prepared under the guidance
a) Alfred the Great b) Queen Mary I. c) Sir Thomas More d) Cranmer
24. Who were known as Vikings?
a) Saxons b) English c) Jutes d) Danes
25. The ………….conquest of England began on 28 September 1066 with the invasion of
England by William, Duke of Normandy.
a) Jutes b) Norman c) Saxon d) Roman
26. William became known as William the Conqueror after his victory at the Battle of Hastings
on14 October ……………….
a) 1066 b) 1076 c) 1086 d) 1096
27. William the Conqueror won victory at the …………….on 14 October 1066, defeating
KingHarold II of England.
a) Battle of Hastings b) Battle of Stamford Bridge
c) Battle of Trafalgar d) Battle of Bosworth
28. Normandy was a territory of ………………….
a) Prussia b) England c) France d) Scotland
29. The Doomsday Book is connected with the king…………………
a) Sir Thomas More b) Queen Mary I. c) William the Conqueror d) Alfred the Great
30. The feudal hierarchy was an arrangement of rank resembling a…………
a) Sergeanty b) Jurisdiction c) Pyramid d) Circle
31. Feudalism is the name given to the system of government William I introduced to Englandafter
he defeated …………….at the Battle of Hastings.
a) James I b) Queen Mary I c) Harold d) John Milton
32. Noblemen had to swear an oath of loyalty to William known as …………
a) Oath of Salisbury b) Oath of Canterbury c) Oath of Jerusalem d) Oath of Trent
33. Thomas Becket was the Archbishop of ……………..
a) London b) York c) Canterbury d) Aberdeen
34. In 1095 Pope …………..preached the Crusade appealing to all Christian Kings to
unite and face the common threat?
a) Urban II b) John XXIII c) Sir Thomas More d) John Milton
35. The Second crusade was almost crushed by……….., the Muslim leader.
a) Albuquerque b) Muhammad c) Saladin d) Salam
36. Who was the ruler of England during the third crusade?
a)Charles I b) Queen Mary I c) Richard I d) James II
37. ………………..agreed to the demands of the barons by signing a document known as theMagna
Carta in 1215 Runnymede on the river Thames.
a) Richard I b) Henry II c) Edward VI d) King John
38. The Hundred Years' War was a long struggle between England and …………..over successionto
the French throne.
a) Sweden b) Denmark c) Norway d) France
39. The Battle of Crecy occurred in ……………..
a) 1346 b) 1349 c) 1400 d) 1436
40. The Black Death reaches England in ………………
a) 1348 b) 1353 c) 1356 d) 1359.
41. Importance of the year 1381 in the history of England ………….
a) The Peasants’ revolt b) feudal revolt c) revolt of the slaves d) Battle of Bosworth
42. The Statute of Labourers, 1351 was passed at the end of ……………..
a) Black Death b) peasants revolt c) feudal revolt d) Peoples revolt
43. During the course of the Black Death and the years following it, England had a strong
andwarlike king…………
a) James I b) Queen Mary I c) Sir Thomas More d) Edward III
44. John of Gaunt was the Duke of …………………..
a) London b) York c) Canterbury d) Lancaster
45. In 1377, ……………imposed a new tax, the Poll (head) Tax that was to cover the cost of the
Hundred Years War.
a)John of Gaunt b) Sir Thomas More c) John Milton d) William Shakespeare
46. ………….who roused the conscience of English against the corruption among the
a) Boccaccio b) Dante c) Petrarch d) John Wycliffe
47. …………… best remembered for The Canterbury Tales.
a) Geoffrey Chaucer b) Sir Thomas More c) John Milton d) William Shakespeare
48. Who is the father of English poetry?
a) Chaucer b) William Shakespeare c) Edmund Spenser d) John Dryden.
49. Who was the English Homer?
a) Geoffrey Chaucer b) Charles V c) Sir Thomas More d) William Shakespeare
50. ………….attacked the doctrine of transubstantiation (the belief that during mass bread becomes
the body of Christ).
a) John Wycliffe b) Henry IV c) Sir Thomas More d) John Milton
51. Who translated the Bible from Latin to English?
a) John Wycliffe b) Henry IV c) Charles V d) Sir Thomas More
52. ………………..followers were called Lollards.
a) John Wycliffe b) Henry IV c) Martin Luther d) Chaucer
53. Jan Hus was a ……………priest ordained in 1401, who shared similar views with JohnWycliffe
concerning the excesses of the medieval Catholic Church.
a) Bohemian b) France c) Genoa d) London
54. Wars of the Roses, traditional name given to the intermittent struggle for the throne of
Englandbetween the noble houses of York and ………………
a) Lancaster b) Tudor c) Stuart d) Hannover
55. In………, Henry landed from France, defeated and killed Richard at Bosworth Field, and
ascended the throne as Henry VII.
a) 1485 b) 1489 c) 1495 d) 1498
56. The Feudal System was introduced to England following the invasion and conquest of the country by …………………
a) William I b) James IV c) Elizabeth d) Charles I
57. The ………….. Was the war between the Christians and the Muslims?
a) Renaissance b) Crusades c) Reformation d) Hundred year’s war
58. Henry VII was the founder of the ……………….dynasty.
a) Stuarts b) Tudor c) Hanoverians d) Windsor
59. Henry VIII was the ruler of the ……………….dynasty.
a) Stuarts b) Tudor c) Windsor d) Plantagenet
60. Elizabeth I was the daughter of ……………….
a) James I b) Henry VIII c) Charles V d) Sir Thomas More
61. Who was the last ruler of the Tudor dynasty?
a) Charles V b) Elizabeth I c) Henry VIII d) Queen Mary I
62. Who is the author of the book ‘England under Tudors and Stuarts?’
a) Sir Thomas More b) Robert Raynes c) John Milton d) William Shakespeare
63. ………….learned the art of printing, and, after being in the service of Margaret Duchess
ofBurgundy, an English princess, returned to England and set up his printing press at Westminster
a) Sir Thomas More b) William Caxton c) John Milton d) Guttenberg
64. Who introduced the first printing press in England?
a) Sir Thomas More b) William Caxton c) John Milton d) Charles I
65. Who was the second Tudor King?
a) Queen Mary I b) Henry VIII c) James I d) Charles I
66. The Reformation in England under ………….was more of a political and personal
a) Henry VIII b) Martin Luther c) Queen Mary I d) Charles I
67. Who was awarded the title of Defender of the Faith by the Pope?
a) Martin Luther b) Sir Thomas More c) Henry VIII d) Charles I
68. The Black Death was …….
a) A literary intellectual movement b) a social movement.
c) The terrible plague bringing poverty and unrest. d)a revolt against Edward III.
69. King Richard II Succeeded to the Crown in ………
a) 1377 b) 1378c) 1379 d) 1380
70. Chaucer’s The Remount of the Rose is
a) a ballad b) a lengthy allegorical poem
c) a satire on society. d) an ode on transition.
71. Troilus and Criseyde is Chaucer’s long poem adopted from …….
a) Lazamon b) Dan Michelc) Anonymous d) Boccaccio
72. Chaucer’s poem ‘The House of Fame’ is written in …….
a) Lambic pentameter b) Octosyllabic couplet
c) Free Verse d) Blank Verse
73. Chaucer’s first attempt in English to use the heroic couplet occurs in which of the
a) Prologue to the Canterbury Tales b) Tale of Melibeus
c) The Legend of Good Women d) The Lack of Steadfastness.
74. The pilgrims in Chaucer’s Prologue to the Canterbury Tales go on a pilgrimage to the tomb
a) St. John Francis b) St. Nicholasc) St. Thomas a Becket d) St. Joseph
75. Chaucer virtually imported the decasyllabic lines in his poetry from ………
a) France b) Italyc) Greece d) Ireland
76. Chaucerian seven-line stanza in English poetry is also known as …………
a) Decasyllabic lines b) Octosyllabic lines
c) Rime Royale d) Heroic Couplet
77. The prevailing feature of Chaucer’s humour is its ……
a) Urbanity b) Crudityc) Triviality d) Sanctity
78. The Hundred Years’ War was originated in
a) The conquest of 1066. b) The conquest of 1067.
c) The conquest of 1068. d) The conquest of 1069
79. The sole cause of the Hundred Years’ War was ………
a) The commercial rivalry between France and England.
b) The commercial rivalry between France and Italy.
c) The social rivalry between France and Greece.
d) The cultural rivalry between England and Ireland.
80. The Statute of Labourers was enacted in English in ……..
a) 1348 b) 1349c) 1350 d) 1351
81. The Peasants’ Revolt of 1381 is also called ……….
a) Tyler’s Rebellion b) Tyler’s Mutiny
c) Tyler’s Strike d) Tyler’s War
82. The Peasants’ Revolt was based on the theory of democracy and socialism of whose
a) Watt Tyler b) John Cairne
c) King Richard II d) King Edward II
83. Who are called Lollards?
a) John Tyler and his followers. b) John Wycliffe and his followers
c) Jack Straw and his followers. d) John Ball and his followers.
84. Who superintended the first complete English translation of the Bible?
a) Barbour b) John Gower
c) Geoffrey Chaucer d) John Wycliffe.
85. Who is called the real originator of European Protestantism?
a) John Wycliffe b) John Ball
c) William Langland d) Watt Tyler
86. John Wycliffe is called………………
a) The Morning star of Reformation. b) The Morning star of Resurrection.
c) The Morning star of Restoration. d) The Morning star of Redemption.
87. Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales is a literary form of enclosing a number of tales within
onenarrative is ……..
a) Oriental in origin. b) European in origin.
c) Scandinavian in origin d) Latinic in origin.
88. In Chaucer’s The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales, the pilgrims started a sixty-mile ride
toCanterbury in the month of …….
a) March b) April
c) May d) June
89. In Chaucer’s The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales, who amongst the following characterstold
the first tale on their way to Canterbury………..
a) Shipman b) Cook
c) Knight d) Reeve
90. The last tale told by Parson on the last day of pilgrimage in The Prologue to the CanterburyTales
was a prose sermon on ………
a) Penitence, with emphasis upon the seven sins.
b) A contemporaneous tale, exploding the impostures of alchemy
c) A fable of why the crow is black.
d) A tragic story of Appius and Virginia.
91. Point out the kingdom ruled by Alfred, the Great.
a) Essex b) Kent c) North Umbria d) Wessex.
92.who is known as Wessex darling.
a) Henry 11 b) Alfred the Great c) William the Conqueror d) James II
93. Name the document that mentions about the origin of feudalism:
a) Magna Carta b) Doomsday Book c) Magnum Concilium d) Curia Regis
94. The founder of the Tudor Monarchy was:
a) Henry VII b) Henry VIII c) Edward VII d) James I
95. The leader of the Reformation Movement in Scotland was:
a) John Calvin b) John Knox c) Henry VIII d) Martin Luther.
96. Who occupied the bottom section of feudal Hierarchy.?
a)Villains b)Serf c) Knight d)bailiff
97. The aim of Doom’s Day Book was
a) To destroy the power of Barons b)To increase the revenue of the Barons
c) To strengthen the Serfs d) To prepare a historical account
98. who is the author of the book “ConfessioAmantis”
a) Chaucer b) john Gower c) William Langland d) Shakespeare
99.who among the following questioned the value of indulgence and pilgrimage, promote use of
vernacular languages and attack clerical corruption.
a) William Langland b) Thomas More c) Chaucer d) Dante
100. who among the following is called as “The Maid of Orleans” .
a) Anne Boleyn b) Catherin c) Queen Elizabeth d) Joan of Arc
Answer Key
1.a 2.d 3.a 4.c
5.d 6.a 7.a 8.a
9.a 10.b 11.a 12.a
13.a 14.a 15.a 16.a
17.c 18.b 19.b 20.a
21.a 22.b 23.a 24.d
25.b 26.a 27.a 28.c
29.c 30.c 31.c 32.a
33.c 34.a 35.c 36.c
37. d 38.d 39.a 40.a
41.a 42.a 43.d 44.d
45.a 46.d 47.a 48.a
49.a 50.a 51.a 52.a
53.a 54.a 55.a 56.a
57.b 58.b 59.b 60.b
61.b 62.b 63.b 64.b
65.b 66.a 67.c 68.c
69.a 70.b 71.d 72.b
73.b 74.c 75.a 76.a
77.a 78.a 79.a 80.d
81.a 82.a 83.b 84.d
85.a 86.a 87.a 88.b
89.c 90.a 91.d 92.b
93.b 94.a 95.b 96.b
97.a 98.b 99.a 100.d
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